Family Income Protection

What is Family Income Protection

Family Income Benefit is similar to a traditional life insurance policy although rather than pay a lump sum on death it pays out a monthly income to your chosen dependants / beneficiaries from the time the insured person dies to the end of the policy term. These policies are suitable for people who wish to protect against the loss of an income currently provided by either or both parents in the event of death or a critical illness event.

Like most life insurance policies you have the option to add Critical illness cover and this would produce an income in the event of certain critical illnesses being diagnosed. Therefore the claimant would not have to die for a claim to be made.

The income received is normally tax free and the money from your life insurance payout can help your chosen beneficiary’s maintain a standard of living they are used too which would be significantly effected by a reduction in monthly household income.

Get advice and a quote on Family Income Benefit now.